June 14, 2007

A simple WSS 3.0 application backup script


FOR /F "TOKENS=1,2 eol=/ DELIMS=/ " %%A IN ('DATE/T') DO SET mm=%%B

FOR /F "TOKENS=1,2 DELIMS=/ eol=/" %%A IN ('echo %CDATE%') DO SET dd=%%B

FOR /F "TOKENS=2,3 DELIMS=/ " %%A IN ('echo %CDATE%') DO SET yyyy=%%B

SET LocalFolder=%mm%%dd%%yyyy%

SET RemoteFolder=

mkdir %LocalFolder%

mkdir %RemoteFolder%

stsadm -o backup -directory %LocalFolder% -backupmethod full -item "Windows Sharepoint Services Web Application"

xcopy %LocalFolder% %RemoteFolder% /E /Y

"Your search cannot be completed because this site is not assigned to an indexer. Contact your administrator for more information."

If your site gives this error when search is accomplished , check this place;

Go to Central Administration -> Application Management -> Content Databases .
Choose your database and on the opening window and at the bottom combobox choose your indexing service.

June 13, 2007

Nice post on Sharepoint utilities collection

Best way to copy document library content inside a sharepoint web application.

I had to copy some bunch of files in a document library to another one. First I tried in browser window -> Open with Windows Explorer. I was on a remote site and this solution seemed to continue forever.
Luckily I opened Sharepoint Designer and to my surprise the copy operation was lightning fast.
I recommend this way if you are copying large and many files...


June 12, 2007

Diagnosing 401 errors

David Wang's excellent post sheds some light on mysterious iis 401 errors.

These also provide useful;
How IIS authenticates browser clients

Troubleshooting HTTP 401 errors in IIS

How to change the port of a WSS 3.0 application?

Fastest way:
Change the port in IIS
Change the port in Central Admin -> Operations -> Alternate Access Mappings

Someone else could also go and extend the web application in a different port. That way don't forget to copy your customizations.

June 11, 2007

Enabling search after site restore from full backup

Go to:
  1. Central Administration > Application Management > Content Databases -> Manage Content Databases
  2. Choose your content database
  3. Choose your search server
  4. For manually starting crawl issue stsadm -o spsearch -action fullcrawlstart