July 12, 2007

The future of CPU and computer power

This is not the type of blogging I do but I could not keep it in myself. I just can't figure out what will be the the future computer power. As they tell high end cpu power double every 12-16 months for the avarage consumer for the last 10-15 years. In the past we had slow bootups , slow application switches and slow multitasking. Then the cpu producers manufactured faster cpus, chip makers manufactured bigger rams and for some period we had decent computers. Then operating systems slowed down and we had to buy newer cpus. Games always demanded high end systems. Now if you are not a gamer and you are not in a computer power demanding business(RD etc.) what you get in the last 3 years as a computer system will mostly suffice what you need. I just can't understand why an average home user would need a dual-core, quad-core xGb ram , 500gb disk. I may seem like someone who told 640kb system ram would be sufficient, but this is like it. It is like driving a 800hp truck for carrying some couple of books. You just dont need it. Now as MS does always you should buy a pretty decent hardware for running Vista, but why would I need Vista. It is prettier but that has never been the motive for me , at least for an operating system :).

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