February 27, 2009

Installing Flash Player 10 in Ubuntu 8.10

1 - Go to http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/alternates/ and download deb file (install_flash_player_10_linux.deb).
2 - Uninstall previous players from synaptic package manager like gnash, libswfdec..., or any other flash related package
3 - Install deb file with sudo dpkg install_flash_player_10_linux.

This worked for me...

February 25, 2009

The Google Maps Image Cutter

From the site :

The Google Map Image Cutter is an application designed to take any
image or digital photo and cut it into tiles which are displayed on a
Google Map. Using this tool, large images can be published on the web
in a format that allows the user to pan and zoom using the standard
Google Maps interface. Although publishing large digital photos is the
most obvious application, this technique can also be used for annotated
maps of an area that are not to scale e.g. directions for how to get to
the office.

Download from:
UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

February 24, 2009

How to produce video signal with Atmel

I wonder what Atmel is NOT capable of ?

Video in GCC

Video with Arduino

Font problem in Ubuntu...

I have been using Ubuntu 8.10 for a while now, and I like the experience.
An unsolved issue of mine was the font rendering for qt4 applications. They were not antialiased that looked awful in applications like Opera or Gnome Terminal. The following link offers a solution which worked for me.


February 23, 2009

U2 - Moment of Surrender fake?

I had a opportunity to listen to U2's new album, No Line On The Horizon.

One song especially took my attention , the Moment of Surrender, it is very like the Pink Floyd's Lost for Words from the Division Bell. Not the same but very similar tunes here and there...Especially the chorus parts.

February 22, 2009

Arduino with zigbee

I am slowly becoming a fan of Arduino boards lately. The low price, small form factors looks attractive.

I have found this interfacing circuit while wondering if anyone had already connected an Arduino board and Zigbee wireless device.

What is Zigbee? Zigbee is a wireless networking protocol for low power , low bw applications aimed mostly for sensors. Max bw is 250kbps so it is not a HD movie streaming solution. Zigbee can be meshed.

What is Arduino? Well,Arduino is an open source schematics for an electronics boards with atmel microprocessors. You can buy prebuilt boards from manufacturers or you can solder yourself. It is programmed by Wiring, a port of Processing language for java graphics.

Most of this information is gathered from the following

[1] Arduino
[2] Processing

February 16, 2009

Dealextreme is sick!

You know the site, right? The dealextreme.com . Super cheap web gadgets with free shipping. You can find yourself navigating arbalets, BB bullets, watches, cf slots at the same time. It may suck your time so beware. A friend of mine compiled some other sites with similar content but not a dealextreme.com kicker.


I warned you!

February 12, 2009

Arduino on Ubuntu

Make sure you have java installed.
Download arduino for linux...
Extract it...
From a terminal window:
sudo apt-get install gcc-avr
sudo apt-get install avr-libc