I am slowly becoming a fan of Arduino boards lately. The low price, small form factors looks attractive.
I have found this interfacing circuit while wondering if anyone had already connected an Arduino board and Zigbee wireless device.
What is Zigbee? Zigbee is a wireless networking protocol for low power , low bw applications aimed mostly for sensors. Max bw is 250kbps so it is not a HD movie streaming solution. Zigbee can be meshed.
What is Arduino? Well,Arduino is an open source schematics for an electronics boards with atmel microprocessors. You can buy prebuilt boards from manufacturers or you can solder yourself. It is programmed by Wiring, a port of Processing language for java graphics.
Most of this information is gathered from the following
[1] Arduino
[2] Processing
I have found this interfacing circuit while wondering if anyone had already connected an Arduino board and Zigbee wireless device.
What is Zigbee? Zigbee is a wireless networking protocol for low power , low bw applications aimed mostly for sensors. Max bw is 250kbps so it is not a HD movie streaming solution. Zigbee can be meshed.
What is Arduino? Well,Arduino is an open source schematics for an electronics boards with atmel microprocessors. You can buy prebuilt boards from manufacturers or you can solder yourself. It is programmed by Wiring, a port of Processing language for java graphics.
Most of this information is gathered from the following
[1] Arduino
[2] Processing
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