December 16, 2008

What is a poster session?

from ...

A Poster Session advertises your
research. It combines text and graphics to make a visually pleasing
presentation. Typically, a professional poster involves showing your
work to numerous researchers at a conference or seminar. This can take
place in one large room, several smaller rooms, or even on a balcony.
Then, as viewers walk by, your poster should quickly and efficiently
communicate your research. Unlike the fast pace of a slide show or
verbal presentation, a Poster Session allows viewers to study and
restudy your information and discuss it with you one on one. You may
also be required to give short presentations on your research every ten
or fifteen minutes.

A less formal poster presentation occurs at general forums such as
health fairs. The posters at these sessions present general information
and invite viewers to ask more detailed questions of the presenters.

November 14, 2008

Word 2007 Fast startup

My word 2007 was too slow to startup after a couple of settings I somehow degraded the problem to a smaller degree. To list;
  1. I uninstalled all unnecessary addins from "word options->addins->com addins".
  2. I deleted my normal.dotm file.(C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates)
  3. I set the document image writer as my default printer.
  4. I deleted all previous network connections saved in "My network places" in windows explorer.
That's all. It is now somewhat faster.

September 03, 2008

Impressions on Google Chrome

Loading fast(really fast, faster than windows explorer init), intuitive interface...
Bookmark manager
Great screen area
The download manager is easy to forget when you exit browser
Lacks lots of add-ons firefox offers...
PDF files mostly cause trouble

May 30, 2008

HTTP sniffing

Sometimes you may wonder what happens between a web server and your browser. These are some useful tools to keep an eye on the traffic.

Free ones:
Fiddler(IE specific)
Firebug(not truly a http sniffer but is useful)

Commercial ones:

May 29, 2008


Recently a good friend mentioned about it, seems interesting...

CouchSurfing is a worldwide network for making connections between travelers and the local communities they visit.

May 27, 2008

ORA-03115: Unsupported network datatype or representation

While duelling with Java sql and preparedstatement I got this error.

This was due to using the query both in initiating prepared statement and while executing it.
The solution is to omit the query parameter from executeQuery

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe", "Birrah", "String sqlQuery = "SELECT x, y, z VIEWgup where dt &gt; ?";
PreparedStatement ptmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlQuery);
ptmt.setDate(1, new java.sql.Date(sonTarih.getMillis()));
ResultSet rset = ptmt.executeQuery (sqlQuery);
//this executequery statement above should be called woth no parameters.

May 25, 2008

Torrent search?

Cubit is a system that provides fully decentralized
approximate keyword search capabilities to Azureus as a standard
plugin. Approximate search means that you can use Cubit to find a movie,
song or artist even if you don't know which spelling variation is used in
the title or in her name.
It gives you what you mean instead of what you asked for exactly, and
returns the best results in the network in only a few seconds.

Synergy is a great software for sharing a single a single mouse and keyboard across multiple computers.

May 17, 2008

Sharing a single mouse and keyboard across multiple computers

Synergy is a great software for sharing a single a single mouse and keyboard across multiple computers.

The configuration is a bit tricky though.

March 07, 2008

Java - Hibernate -JPA Bigdecimal Hassasiyeti

Java - Hibernate -JPA Bigdecimal Hassasiyeti
Jpa da BigDecimal olarak tanimladigimiz alanlar oracle da direk 2 ondalik hassasiyete donusuyor ve bizim verilerimizde kayip oluyor.
Ihtiyac duydugumuz kadar hassasiyeti asagidaki sekilde Bigdecimal alanlara vermemiz gerekiyor.

@Column(precision=19, scale=3) private BigDecimal gunduzSabitMiktar;
19 basamakli, virgulden sonra 3 ondalik haneli sayi tanimi.

sadece scale vererek hallolmuyor, precision da verilmeli.

January 30, 2008

free sql formatting tools

  • SQLinForm. No download necessary. It uses a Java applet. Feature rich. That’s the one I like.

  • Online SQL Formatter. No download or Java applet necessary.

  • SQL Review. Requires a client download and installation.